Sunday 21 October 2018


There is a problem with efficient value distribution on social media platforms. User Traffic happens to be the best asset any social media platform can have and that is why priority is usually given to it. With this traffic comes an active platform where content creation is the order of the day because of the participation of users. These users invest their time and creativity into these platforms and contribute to its maintenance and growth but at the end of the day, they receive little or nothing for their efforts. This in no way encourages creativity and loyalty. This is why a better solution is needed and Foresting is exactly what the social media needs.
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This is a blockchain ecosystem that is made up of community members referred to as FOREST, who will work together through interaction, networking and connections. This platform has a mission to accomplish and that is to help social media users to receive a fair amount of compensation for every post they make.
Foresting will use their PTON coin to incentivize their users for the contents they create. This ecosystem has their focus more on the creation and sharing of contents and they will also make use of a voting system in their operations. This approach distinguishes them from the traditional social media platform and makes the sharing of information decentralized.
CONTENT SUPPORT: Foresting will provide support for their users in their content creation endeavors with the use of the blockchain technology. This platform provides a seamless uploading or downloading of content components.
SIMPLIFIED EXCHANGE: Foresting will make it easier for users to make profit from their contents through their simplified and secure conversion platform.
UI: With their user friendly interface, Foresting will make available a service platform which users will find comfortable and convenient.
TOP-NOTCH SECURITY: Foresting will be free of centralized control because of its blockchain design and this will result to a highly protected and private platform for users.
OPTIMIZATION OF DEVICE: Foresting has different applications to the lifestyle of people and this will help people to maximize the platform by creating contents relevant to them.
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PTON TOKEN: This token is native to the Foresting ecosystem and will serve as a means to incentivize people who make use of their app.
VOTING SYSTEM: Foresting has created a system which users will use for decentralized voting that will be free of malpractice.
TRANSPARENCY: The platform offers transparency in all their dealings in order to create trust between Foresting and their clients.
Foresting came into being for the purpose of making social networking better. It was designed with users of social media platforms in mind to support them in their content creation and to also ensure they are rightly rewarded for their work. This platform will support texts, live broadcasting, videos, images and will encourage users by rewarding their services.
There's a lot more you may need to know about the Foresting project, for that reason, the Foresting team are ready to have a chat with you via the official project Foresting telegram group.
Author Information
Username: babilon
ERC 20 Address: 0x36ace244046f8E8576F9378bfFf73036B6C790dd

Monday 15 October 2018


Image result for ilink2music icoThe entertainment industry is clearly one of the fastest growing industry over the last decades. From sports, movies, music, fashion and so on. Global entertainment and media market accounts for revenues of approximately $2.1 trillion USD of which the most common denominator is Music.

Music has been a major form of entertainment with billions of fans across the world. Various music contents ranging from hip-hop, Rhymes and Blues (R&B), Reggae and so on have been recorded over the years thrilling fans with a wide range of genres to enjoy.
In recent times more musical talents are being discovered and it is left for the music industry to harness these talents by connecting them to music producers, other artists and also provide an audience for their talent in order to encourage quality music content creation on a global scale.
This is not so with the current music industry which is mostly centralized, as a result music talents are faced with the problem of lack of self-awareness, a few musical executives are aware but the larger world is not.
The music industry is expected accounts for $130 billion USD globally, which is expected to reach higher levels in future years but it is faced with some challenges which serves as impediments to its growth.
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The following challenges attributed with the current music industry have accounted for the slow growth of the industry, they include:

Lack of Transparency:

The current music industry is intransparent in its duty to create a platform where new and emerging musical talents can be harnessed and encouraged to create more quality content.
It is clear that people in different parts of the world with musical talents are trying to be discovered but the current music industry does not provide such as the existence of centralized executives allows for manipulation in the selection of musical talents it chooses to promote.

Lack of Self-Awareness:

The current music industry also lacks the ability to provide a wide audience for new and emerging musical talents.
Only few persons like their fellow artists and producers are aware but a larger part of the world is not as most musical contents are only available to persons in a particular geographical location and not on a global scale. This is attributed the centralized structure of the current music industry.

Introducing the iLink2Music Platform

iLink2Music platform is a self-made music entertainment social media platform built entirely on blockchain, which seeks to connect artists, executives and music lovers worldwide.
The iLink2Music platform will unite artists, executives and music lovers irrespective of their age, experience, race in order to provide quality music contents on a global scale.


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The iLink2Music platform utilizing blockchain technology will provide the following solution to the challenges encountered with the current music industry. Some of which include:


Blockchain provides a transparent medium for sharing and storing information, therefore iLink2Music platform adopting blockchain technology will provide a transparent platform for harnessing and publicizing new and emerging musical talents regardless of their race, age, background or belief.
The use of blockchain will also eliminate the room for manipulation of voting results by users on the platform thereby promoting quality musical content.


New and emerging musical talents will be provide self-awareness for their music contents as iLink2Music blockchain platform provides a decentralized structure in which musical talents can get to a larger part of fans across the world.
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Project Opinion

iLink2Music aims to connect artists, executives and music lovers around the world  with quality musical contents by providing a decentralized blockchain ecosystem that is not limited to race, age and beliefs.
Username: Inene
ERC20 Wallet: 0x7eeBa24c32Efcf5f971053c315Cd593BbB3F5698

Tuesday 2 October 2018


The world today has become what it is as a result of various innovations from cell phones to now smart phones, cars to self-driven ones, airplane with auto –pilot features and many more. Technologies like artificial intelligence, IoTs and most especially blockchain have brought innovations in various sectors. Tasks are now executed with minimal efforts, indeed the drive towards a smart world is close than expected.
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Looking at blockchain technology, we can describe it as a disruptive technology that has accounted for paradigm shifts in businesses where it has been adopted. Blockchain mostly known as the brain behind the creation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as accomplished a great feat being a secured, transparent and tamper proof solution for data, communication and on top of all a distributed ledger of which makes it decentralized.
Despite this feats and successes recorded by current blockchain solutions popular amongst them, Bitcoin and Ethereum, users are still faced with challenges attributed to the following factors.


No Micro-payments: current blockchain solutions function using the services of miners who charge high fees before transactions are confirmed successful by them. It is therefore quite illogical to pay a transaction fee higher than the cost of the transaction in question.
Lengthy Transaction Processes: the presence of miners as intermediaries between the trader and confirmation of transactions slows down the rate at which transactions are executed on this platforms.
Existing Blockchain’s Need to Code: using the current blockchain solution new project developers seeking to integrate their businesses on blockchain will have to write all codes that will allow for complete customization. These codes are usually complex and difficult to understand by users.


Nortonchain is built on a distributed technology called Nortonchain Technology with features of Bitcoin blockchain together with DAG. Nortonchain provides a blockchain solution that provides users’ and developers with powerful tools to develop any idea into reality within the shortest time with little experience or skill.
Nortonchain provides a pliable, user friendly and secured blockchain solution for build any business model to their taste with little or no stress.


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No Need to Code: Nortonchain provides a user friendly blockchain which can be easily adopted by developers to create their desired projects or applications on its blockchain. This will be achieved using an advanced human to computer relationship through speech recognition powered by artificial intelligence allowing Nortonchain create what the developers wants through few command lines from the developer.
Nortonchain Explorer: this is responsible for recording every transaction on the blockchain, the Nortonchain Explorer using the wraith protocol will allow users to choose to go public or private. Therefore, they can switch between two ledgers; private and public.
NortonBot: Nortonchain also has its own bot which relate and communicates with developers and users on the platform powered by Artificial Intelligence thereby making it fast, smart and efficient to relate with users.
Faster Transaction Process: the adoption of artificial intelligence and smart contracts allows for speedy transaction process in contrast to the use of miners in existing blockchain solutions. The use of smart contracts, artificial intelligence and bots eliminates the need of miners thereby allowing for faster execution of transactions.


Image result for nortonchain icoNortonchain provides an open sourced distributed ledger which provides its users and developers with the right tools create their desired business models or applications with little or no skill or experience, using a few command lines that can be understood by artificial intelligence.

Official project links for Nortonchain

Username: Inene


Image result for cloudbric icoSometimes I just feel so bad about the advent of cyber attackers, I mean this people got nothing better to do than to just find clever ways to steal data and defraud people. Its saddening really, but am not here to talk on that, am here tell you how best to protect yourself from them.
Data are precious assets we do not want falling in the hands of criminals because of the unspeakable things which can be done with those data, in the past years millions and even billions have been lost just from criminals getting a hold of company data or exploring company weaknesses to defraud them.
The emergence of the blockchain was said to be a secure era where data and financial transactions can now be adequately protected, but sadly the blockchain industry have not be free from these security challenges, as many crypto exchanges and wallets have also suffered from cryber attacks.
Today over 2000 security solutions have risen, but sadly many of these security solution companies are just here to make money and do not deliver on adequate security, not to mention the oversaturation of security solutions.


With growing security issues, so is there a growth in advances to disrupt the plans of attackers. However, security solutions which has risen so far all suffer from oversaturation because of the need to secure data across numerous online work stations. The variety of solutions are been used in the hopes that more security solutions will lead to more security, when in reality it provides complications for users because they have to adjust to the various settings, configurations, and price of various platforms software’s.
This method has been reported by organizations who employ various security solutions to solve a host of security related issues, to be highly ineffective because utilizing various security solutions might leave one exposed to hackers due to system upgrades and bug found in different software updates.


CLOUDBRIC is a blockchain based security solution which is here to fix the oversaturated nature of security solutions by providing organisations (small, large and medium) with a single software which can be used across all work stations, without have to worry about different configurations, settings or pricing.
The platform will combine multiple security solutions into one unified platform to offer an easy to manage cybersecurity solution for a varied range of users which will enable users to enjoy high level security in all facets of their lives.
The platform utilizes the prowess of Artificial Intelligence which will be powered by a deep learning algorithm and will provide an all-inclusive solution for all security challenges as well as the invention of a new decentralized ecosystem. The platform will integrate the deep learning algorithm to its core security technology to become the best security solution in the arena.
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Personally, I think the success of any project has a lot to do with the team behind it. This is why I have full confidence that CLOUDBRIC will be bringing you the best form of security one can attain in this digital age.
The platforms executive team brings over 30 years of experience and information into this project, and I believe being a part of this project will greatly benefit you.
Bitcointalk Thread:
Username: Inene

Tuesday 18 September 2018


A warm welcome to my readers, I will be bringing to your notice a good ICO today called BitGoals. Take this journey with me, shall we?
Looking at the world from centuries ago, the progress of today was considered impossible. Today, the world has been made smaller by technology and people can now interact with each other from any part of the world.
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What You Need To Know About The Bitgoals Framework

Working with the blockchain comes a platform dedicated to the reward and compensation of the sport industry's biggest supporters. This platform not only gives out incentives, they also ensure that no foul play goes on in the reward system of the sport industry.
The sports market will experience a turn around with the use of smart contracts which will make transactions autonomous and trustworthy in the sports industry. This platform will use their Token to create an economy that will benefit sport lovers across the globe.

Standard Features That Makes Bitgoals Stand Out From Others:

Participants will have free reign to use their funds in any capacity they deem fit. Also, those who have withdrawals to make can take as much funds as they need.
The privacy of the platform users are upheld and those who wish to remain anonymous will remain that way.
The method of registration on the platform will be easier and faster and users will not be asked to give out their personal details.
With the STP token, which is the currency that will be used on the platform, users will be able to bet on games and also receive rewards earned in the course of their platform activities. This token will also serve as a currency of payment for users. Bitgoals can also serve as a service and transaction platform.

Image result for bitgoals icoThe Benefits of the Bitgoals platform include:

A company that already has an online reputation in the sports industry, with top companies in the industry as partners as well as millions of supporters worldwide.
An experience in the gaming business as a result of the knowledge gathered over the years.
Bitgoals has the IT manpower and influence as well as the needed skilled team to fine tune this project into perfection.

My Personal Opinion On The Bitgoals Project

Bitgoals is a project surrounded by experienced experts who will ensure that the vision of the company comes true. The Bitgоаlѕ system will ensure that the gambling and betting business does not fall into the hands of middlemen and illegal betting agencies but through the blockchain technology, will provide a more efficient system that will be beneficial to the industry.
ANN Thread:
Copyrights: Jemma
ERC20 Address: 0x315399d7d97C60E329614De407695F29099Dc842

Monday 17 September 2018


The Need For A Difference

The idea of CryptoSouk is a unique and an exciting one. This idea talks about focusing on the market of the Middle East by including the Arabic language into their platform. The middle east is full of investors and traders who are in need of a platform that is security conscious and also easy to navigate because of the support of the Arabic language.
A team has come together to deliver a solution to this need, to provide the middle east with a platform that will support their language and help them profit from the crypto market. This platform will support different coins for trading such as Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash and Monero at the initial phase.
What sets the Crypto Souk team apart is more than just the drive for a decentralized strategy of achieving the appealing successful industry. More so, the team are made up of a skilled and committed set of experts who have suffered from the consequences of the existing limitations, and have taken a step further to leverage on their ultimate skills towards achieving success.
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Facing The Existing Limitations That Hold Us Back

Transacting with cryptocurrency is not as easy as clicking the mouse. The different crypto platform created have failed to properly address the issue of lack of liquidity. Active traders in the middle east seek for a platform with a different touch which will enable them participate more actively in the crypto market. The language barrier they experience makes their trading experience more challenging than necessary.

Solution - How CryptoSouk Will Make A Difference

CryptoSouk has unveiled a trading platform for cryptocurrency which will support different coins and will continue to increase the number of digital assets to be used on their platform.
This trading platform has partnered with expert companies that will support them to achieve their aim of providing liquidity on their platform as well as funding options.

The success of CryptoSouk will grow in the middle east through these strategies:

(1) The transfer of fiat currency will be made inexpensive.
(2) Partners and advanced tools will be utilized by CryptoSouk to make the redemption of fiat currency less expensive and make the cost of transactions cheaper.
(3) Diverse cryptocurrencies will be supported by the platform for exchange.
(4) Customer service will be made better for users to address their concerns and issues.

The Benefits That Make CryptoSouk Stand Out

Users who refer people to the platform will be entitled to a referral bonus of 50% from the transaction fee paid by the referred user. In addition, The user will receive their referral bonus in whatever currency the transaction fee was paid.


The thoughts and processes put into this project shows what a potentially great one it is. CryptoSouk has a lot to offer the world and a lot to be benefited from it. With the success of this project in the middle east, don't be surprised when you see investment volumes ranging into millions and billions from rich investors. This is indeed an innovative ICO.
Image result for cryptosouk ico
Username: Jemma

Monday 10 September 2018


Image result for kubitx icoWith accurate knowledge and expertise, crypto trading provides an unprecedented level of profit making and is open for everyone whose country permits the use of cryptocurrency. since the inception of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies have enriched many and still continues to do so till today.
One of the reasons the blockchain was built was so that money would be removed from the hands of the greedy individuals who have controlled the wealth of the world for so long and making the financial marketplace  decentralized so every individual has equal opportunity of making money and at the same time be in complete control of how their funds are managed.
Today so far that dream have been a reality as a lot of persons are indeed making it in the industry through crypto trading and other forms of opportunities which the blockchain has provided, the only difference between a man who can make money through crypto trading and the one who can’t, is the difference in trading skills, experience, opportunity and information.
Although the crypto exchange industry has seen growth and has made good profit for a lot of individuals, today it has begun to provide an archaic system because with the emergence of newer technologies and the increasing number of users coming into the system, the existing trading platforms have failed in providing a robust trading engine for its users, however KUBITX is here with the solution just when it is needed.
KUBITX is a crypto trading system which is here with an advanced and robust means by which crypto traders can now trade with and have the best experience one can think of.

Current Limitations In The Industry

Below are a few of the problems which have emerged in the crypto trading industry:
  • The absence of a matured ecosystem: crypto exchanges have suffered greatly due to the fact that whales have been given the opportunities to manipulate the market because of the lack of regulation on the way traders operate on the exchange platforms.
  • Friction in dealing with fiat currencies: getting liquidity in fiat currencies against crypto assets is a problem and leaves crypto handlers at the mercy of the markets volatility which often leads to loss of customer funds due to delay in processing either by exchanges of banks.
  • Security issues: security challenges have been a major challenge faced by exchanges and has led to the loss of billions of dollars.


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The KUBITX team is laced with lots of experienced professionals and extremely talented personnel’s with up to 20 years of experience from large industries and they possess a go-together attitude as a team.
Considering the use of smart phones and mobile platforms in our daily lives, KUBITX will be providing its trading application for mobile platforms which will be compatible with both android and IOS.
KUBITX will be providing a robust security as one of its critical pillars by encrypting user data using AES-256 before they will be inserted into the system, a secure architecture which will be used to safely store up keys and also the system will be fully GDPR complaint.
Image result for kubitx icoKUBITX will provide improved liquidity by involving market markers to build a sustainable exchange capacity thereby reducing the cost of transaction and simplifying the entire process, also KUBITX will have an anti-market manipulation tool which will restrict whales from manipulating the prices of certain cryptocurrency prices on the exchange and if any account is suspected to be associated with suspicious traded such accounts will be frozen and investigated.
KUBITX will also be creating channels across the globe to enable them reach grassroots in other to drive local adoption of cryptocurrencies and KUBITX. This is likely one of the best project of the year and I think It will be great for you to be a part of this opportunity.
ANN thread:;all
Username: 12connect